Where Love Abounds
We stand by broken hearts.
Carbondale Church of Christ is a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in life-giving community, and anyone can find their place. We believe in sharing the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. The "Greatest Commands" to love God and one another are taught and practiced at the place Where Love Abounds!

We welcome all.
Weekly Bible Classes for infants through senior adults provide opportunities to learn more and encourage others. Two worship opportunities each Sunday give honor to our Creator and build up those who participate. Monthly fellowship luncheons and opportunities to serve give meaning and hope to all.
Latest Sermon
God's love is the antidote for fear. Darkness can bring fear and provide an opportunity for sin to compete with God's love for us. Second in a series on "Interrupting the Darkness."
Gathering Times
Sunday Bible Class: 9:30 am
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am and 5:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Classes: 7:00 pm
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am and 5:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Classes: 7:00 pm