
Shepherds, Deacons & Staff

David Hallsted


David is active in every area of service and often teaches Bible Classes on Sunday morning. He was confirmed by the congregation as a Shepherd in 2009.

Don Sedwick


Don serves as coordinator for our Youth and Bible Classes. He was confirmed by the congregation as a Shepherd in 2009.

Terry Gary

Deacon (Communication, Missions, Assistant Deacon Coordinator)

Terry grew up at Carbondale where his father also served as one of our Shepherds. Terry was confirmed by the congregation to serve in January of 2020.

Paul Shindel

Deacon (Building Maintenance)

Paul is responsible for overseeing the maintenance of our buildings.

Roger Upton

Deacon (Congregational Fellowship & Community Outreach)

Roger leads and organizes our Fellowship and Community Outreach activities.

Doyle Black

Deacon (Benevolence & Congregational Support)

Doyle has served for many years in various roles. He is a constant encourager and supports the needs of people inside and outside the congregation.

Carrel Hart

Deacon (Deacon Coordinator)

Carrel has been part of the congregation since the 1960's. He has served as the congregation's treasurer, chairman of benevolence, and continues to support the ministry in many ways.

Michael Hollaway

Deacon (Grounds Maintenance)

Michael grew up at Carbondale and oversees the maintenance of the grounds outside the buildings. He is also part of the Missions leadership.

Dr. Matt Crain


Dr. Matt Crain serves as our Minister under the guidance of our Shepherds who watch over all who gather. He and Lucinda have been married 47 years  and returned to Carbondale in 2009 to serve here after interning at Carbondale while they were in college.

Bobby Buchanan

Office Manager

Bobby serves in the office as the treasurer and administrative assistant.